Cafe Towns

Cath and Joe's family news

December 2004

Welcome to the first edition of Café Towns – our regular supporter’s newsletter.

Why the name?
Well, Joe does love to sip the crème off a smooth espresso at any time. But Cath on the other hand would rather munch through a block of Cadbury’s. The real reason is that we’d love to be with you in person, and talk in the usual way; you know… in a café over a pot of tea if that’s what you prefer.

But because we can’t always do that, this newsletter will fill you in until our next catch-up! Because this is our very first edition we will be sharing an overview from our early beginnings, through to our plans for the future.
We hope that this will highlight areas that you might pray for us, as well as testify to the sovereign grace of God at work in our lives and ministry.


Having grown up in Hobart, I became a Christian before my teens when convicted about the reality of personal guilt before God. The great message of God’s forgiveness in Jesus has motivated me ever since to give all of my life for the cause of the gospel.
Cath came to understand the gospel fully as a teenager when led by a close friend through the first five chapters of Paul’s letter to the Romans.

“And we also thank God continually because, when you received the word of God, which you heard from us, you accepted it not as the word of men, but as it actually is, the word of God which is at work in you who believe” (1 Thessalonians 2:13)


We both met at Hobart Christian Life Centre , which is led by Kevin Towns, my father. Here we did our best to serve God for many years with the word of God as we lead Bible studies and youth groups up until the time we were married.


During a Science degree at the University of Tasmania (UTAS) I was challenged under the Bible teaching of Sam Green at FOCUS . I realised the importance of better training himself for gospel work. After completing a Diploma of Education, I married Cath, and together we moved to Sydney to work towards Bible College training.


I took a position as a secondary Science teacher at a Christian school where Cath has also worked for 3 years. We joined St Paul’s Anglican Church Carlingford, a large church-planting group in Sydney’s Northwest, where Sam Green originally grew up. After one year we helped start a church at Macquarie University in Sydney’s North: Mars Hill Anglican Church. There we have been teaching the Bible in small groups and leading a team reaching out to international students from the university.

“All over the world this gospel is bearing fruit and growing, just as it has been doing among you since the day you heard it and understood…” (Colossians 1:6)


In September this year we were overjoyed with the news that, God willing, we would soon have our first child! Our baby is due in June 2005. Praise God!!!


We are now returning to Hobart in January for 2 years where I plan to undergo a MTS apprenticeship with Sam Green at the University of Tasmania.


The essence of the apprenticeship is not formal instruction, but on-the-job training based on practical ministry and active participation. This year over 200 apprentices will be trained in the two-year program in 80 churches or campuses.
Sam himself originally did a MTS in Sydney. He is now employed by AFES as a full-time Christian student worker. He heads up all the evangelism, discipleship and training at UTAS. As my trainer part of his ministry will be to develop my skills so that I am more thoroughly equipped for ministry.


We are also excited about joining International Students Community Church in Hobart (iChurch), where I hope to provide encouragement to the leaders and Christians there.

“And pray for us, too, that God may open a door for our message… Pray that I may proclaim it clearly, as I should.” (Colossians 4:3-4)


In 2007 we plan to return to Sydney as a small family (God willing) to continue training at Moore Theological College for a lifetime of Bible teaching ministry.


We are praying that after Bible training God would enable us to return and provide ongoing help to the growth of the gospel in Hobart, Tasmania and beyond.


We are asking for your support in our ministry training. Here is how you can do this, both now and in the future:

1. Pray for us

We need your prayer above all things. Pray that God will help us to grow in godliness as we take on full-time paid gospel work, and as we get ready to start parenthood.

2. Give financially

I have given up other paid work to do gospel work and training fulltime. We are trusting God to provide financial support through the generosity of the Christian community around us. If you believe in the value of our training, and want to free me up from other work so that I can train and help to spread the gospel in Hobart then please support us financially. Please find the forms necessary for you to do this included with this newsletter.

3. Come to our supporters afternoon tea

We are organising an afternoon tea to meet with those that want to support us from Hobart. We will be sending out details about this soon.

4. Write to us

Conversations are two way, whether in a café or by letter. We’d love to find out how you are, and how we can support you in your plans to serve God. Please write to us and tell us what things we should pray for your life, family and ministry.


Attached is a slip that you can return to us in the stamped envelope that you should have received with this newsletter. Please do this because it will tell me (among other things) if you would like to continue receiving this newsletter.

Thanks for reading our first edition of Café Towns – we hope you have enjoyed it!

Your brother in Christ, Joe


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